Диагностика ошибки Произведена некорректная операция! Попробуйте перезапустить программу. Если ситуация повторится, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом системному администратору и/или разработчикам программы. Access violation at address 65637275. Read of address 65637275 Exception classname is EAccessViolation. Список вызывов. Сформирован 12.11.2013 16:52:42 (003C571F){Medwork.exe } [007C671F] JclDebug.TJclStackInfoList.Create + $9F (003C562B){Medwork.exe } [007C662B] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList + $17 (003C8CA5){Medwork.exe } [007C9CA5] ExHandle.TGlobalExHandler.CreateReport (Line 914, "Components\KERNEL\Exhandle.pas" + 8) + $6 (003C7C8E){Medwork.exe } [007C8C8E] ExHandle.TGlobalExHandler.HandlerProc (Line 612, "Components\KERNEL\Exhandle.pas" + 19) + $37 (00081A45){vcl100.bpl } [20162A45] Forms.TApplication.HandleException + $61 (0005EE0B){vcl100.bpl } [2013FE0B] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $67 (001D1FED){Medwork.exe } [005D2FED] schStorage.TCustomDaySchedule.LoadTimeIntervals (Line 1124, "Scheduling\schStorage.pas" + 3) + $5 (001D1E07){Medwork.exe } [005D2E07] schStorage.TCustomDaySchedule.GetTimeIntervals (Line 1085, "Scheduling\schStorage.pas" + 1) + $2 (001C75C9){Medwork.exe } [005C85C9] schSchedulingGridDayFrame.TSchedulingGridData.MinimalTimeInterval (Line 843, "Scheduling\schSchedulingGridDayFrame.pas" + 9) + $C (001C92FE){Medwork.exe } [005CA2FE] schSchedulingGridDayFrame.TSchedulingGridDayControl.RenderGrid (Line 1451, "Scheduling\schSchedulingGridDayFrame.pas" + 7) + $6 (001CC8C5){Medwork.exe } [005CD8C5] schSchedulingGridDayFrame.TSchedulingGridDayControl.WMSize (Line 2879, "Scheduling\schSchedulingGridDayFrame.pas" + 1) + $0 (0005B527){vcl100.bpl } [2013C527] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB (0005F6A7){vcl100.bpl } [201406A7] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $4FB (0005EDD0){vcl100.bpl } [2013FDD0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C (0003FE4C){rtl100.bpl } [20040E4C] Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight + $20 (0005F7A3){vcl100.bpl } [201407A3] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $D7 (0005BFA4){vcl100.bpl } [2013CFA4] Controls.TControl.WMWindowPosChanged + $C (0006050F){vcl100.bpl } [2014150F] Controls.TWinControl.WMWindowPosChanged + $97 (0005B527){vcl100.bpl } [2013C527] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB (0005F6A7){vcl100.bpl } [201406A7] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $4FB (0005EDD0){vcl100.bpl } [2013FDD0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C (0003FE4C){rtl100.bpl } [20040E4C] Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight + $20 (00061C41){vcl100.bpl } [20142C41] Controls.TWinControl.SetBounds + $5D (000684DE){vcl100.bpl } [201494DE] Controls.TMargins.SetControlBounds + $AE (0005D51A){vcl100.bpl } [2013E51A] Controls.TWinControl.ArrangeControl + $2EA (0005D7DA){vcl100.bpl } [2013E7DA] Controls.TWinControl.ArrangeControl + $5AA (0005D958){vcl100.bpl } [2013E958] Controls.TWinControl.ArrangeControl + $728 (0005DA6D){vcl100.bpl } [2013EA6D] Controls.TWinControl.AlignControls + $A5 (00076976){vcl100.bpl } [20157976] Forms.TScrollingWinControl.AlignControls + $16 (003F8998){Medwork.exe } [007F9998] ControlResizeBugFix.TFixWinControl.HandleAlignControls + $7C (0006245F){vcl100.bpl } [2014345F] Controls.TWinControl.GetClientRect + $F (003F8D35){Medwork.exe } [007F9D35] ControlResizeBugFix.TFixWinControl.AlignControl + $75 (0005DB8A){vcl100.bpl } [2013EB8A] Controls.TWinControl.Realign + $2 (003F8A54){Medwork.exe } [007F9A54] ControlResizeBugFix.TFixWinControl.HandleAlignControls + $138 (0001CBF6){rtl100.bpl } [2001DBF6] Variants.HandleConversionException + $31E (0001CC55){rtl100.bpl } [2001DC55] Variants.@VarClear + $D (0001CC5D){rtl100.bpl } [2001DC5D] Variants.@VarClr + $1 (00007BF1){rtl100.bpl } [20008BF1] System.@FinalizeRecord + $3D (00007C7C){rtl100.bpl } [20008C7C] System.@FinalizeArray + $7C (00009275){Medwork.exe } [0040A275] MWUtils.VarEqual (Line 997, "Components\KERNEL\Mwutils.pas" + 9) + $28 (00005936){rtl100.bpl } [20006936] System.@IsClass + $E (0005C3F8){Medwork.exe } [0045D3F8] VCLUtils.FindParentWnd (Line 181, "Components\KERNEL\VCLUtils.pas" + 2) + $4 (0005C421){Medwork.exe } [0045D421] VCLUtils.FindParentWnd (Line 188, "Components\KERNEL\VCLUtils.pas" + 9) + $C (003F8D35){Medwork.exe } [007F9D35] ControlResizeBugFix.TFixWinControl.AlignControl + $75 (00058F10){vcl100.bpl } [20139F10] Controls.TControl.RequestAlign + $8 (00059C1F){vcl100.bpl } [2013AC1F] Controls.TControl.SetVisible + $2F (0005D247){Medwork.exe } [0045E247] VCLUtils.TControlCache.ActivateControl (Line 677, "Components\KERNEL\VCLUtils.pas" + 13) + $B (00353D90){Medwork.exe } [00754D90] FrmBox.TMyCache.ActivateControl (Line 2108, "Components\DBFORMS\Frmbox.pas" + 2) + $C (0035D7C7){Medwork.exe } [0075E7C7] FrmBox.TFormBox.SetLibForm (Line 5476, "Components\DBFORMS\Frmbox.pas" + 5) + $24 (00002DC4){rtl100.bpl } [20003DC4] System.@FreeMem + $4 (000069F0){rtl100.bpl } [200079F0] System.@LStrClr + $1C (002B58E0){Medwork.exe } [006B68E0] PatWnd.TPatientWnd.LoadForm (Line 1782, "Interface\CARD\PatWnd.pas" + 19) + $5 (002B5A79){Medwork.exe } [006B6A79] PatWnd.TPatientWnd.LoadForm (Line 1812, "Interface\CARD\PatWnd.pas" + 7) + $18 (002B7379){Medwork.exe } [006B8379] PatWnd.TPatientWnd.ShowAbstract (Line 2225, "Interface\CARD\PatWnd.pas" + 8) + $9 (0020693E){Medwork.exe } [0060793E] main.TMainForm.ShowSummary (Line 2526, "Interface\MAIN\main.pas" + 7) + $D (002B88C2){Medwork.exe } [006B98C2] PatWnd.TPatientWnd.WindowCloseExecute (Line 2723, "Interface\CARD\PatWnd.pas" + 6) + $9 (0003F18B){rtl100.bpl } [2004018B] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute + $F (00070359){vcl100.bpl } [20151359] Actnlist.TContainedAction.Execute + $31 (000710BC){vcl100.bpl } [201520BC] Actnlist.TCustomAction.Execute + $50 (000C6B3C){Medwork.exe } [004C7B3C] mw_form.TMWForm.SendAction (Line 561, "Components\COMMON\Mw_form.pas" + 11) + $4 (00204E0E){Medwork.exe } [00605E0E] main.TMainForm.SendAction (Line 1750, "Interface\MAIN\main.pas" + 16) + $D (00207522){Medwork.exe } [00608522] main.TMainForm.CloseActiveCombo (Line 2942, "Interface\MAIN\main.pas" + 10) + $8 (002051EC){Medwork.exe } [006061EC] main.TMainForm.WindowCloseExecute (Line 1862, "Interface\MAIN\main.pas" + 3) + $4 (0003F18B){rtl100.bpl } [2004018B] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute + $F (00070359){vcl100.bpl } [20151359] Actnlist.TContainedAction.Execute + $31 (000710BC){vcl100.bpl } [201520BC] Actnlist.TCustomAction.Execute + $50 (0003F057){rtl100.bpl } [20040057] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13 (0005BA15){vcl100.bpl } [2013CA15] Controls.TControl.Click + $4D (000C593A){Medwork.exe } [004C693A] TB97.TToolbarButton97.Click (Line 6498, "Components\COMMON\Tb97.pas" + 13) + $3 (00059694){vcl100.bpl } [2013A694] Controls.TControl.GetClientHeight + $C (000059A8){rtl100.bpl } [200069A8] System.@CallDynaInst + $4 (000C587D){Medwork.exe } [004C687D] TB97.TToolbarButton97.MouseUp (Line 6461, "Components\COMMON\Tb97.pas" + 21) + $6 (0005BE30){vcl100.bpl } [2013CE30] Controls.TControl.DoMouseUp + $2C (0005BEB2){vcl100.bpl } [2013CEB2] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp + $76 (0005B527){vcl100.bpl } [2013C527] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB (00080B8F){vcl100.bpl } [20161B8F] Forms.TApplication.WndProc + $407 (0003FE4C){rtl100.bpl } [20040E4C] Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight + $20 (0005B1B4){vcl100.bpl } [2013C1B4] Controls.TControl.Perform + $24 (0005F199){vcl100.bpl } [20140199] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg + $A1 (0005F561){vcl100.bpl } [20140561] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $3B5 (0005EDD0){vcl100.bpl } [2013FDD0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C (0003FE4C){rtl100.bpl } [20040E4C] Classes.TDataModule.WriteHeight + $20 (00082691){vcl100.bpl } [20163691] Forms.TApplication.StopHintTimer + $15 (000815F0){vcl100.bpl } [201625F0] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC (0008162A){vcl100.bpl } [2016262A] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A (0008191F){vcl100.bpl } [2016291F] Forms.TApplication.Run + $B3 (00403DE1){Medwork.exe } [00804DE1] Medwork.Medwork (Line 1039, "" + 115) + $7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Система : Windows XP Professional, Версия: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 3" Процессор: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 3290 MHz MMX SSE3 64 bits DEP Память: 1023; свободно 1023 Display : 1366x768 pixels, 32 bpp ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Список загруженных модулей: [00020000] C:\Medwork\bin\ContainerInterface.bpl <00400000> - [00030000] C:\Medwork\bin\IMSharedPackage.bpl <00400000> - [00400000] C:\Medwork\bin\Medwork.exe - MedWork [0F9A0000] C:\Windows\system32\VBAJET32.DLL - 6.1.9431 Visual Basic for Applications Development Environment - Expression Service Loader [0F9C0000] C:\Windows\system32\expsrv.dll - 6.0.9589 Visual Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service [20000000] C:\Medwork\bin\rtl100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Component Package [200E0000] C:\Medwork\bin\vcl100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Component Package [202B0000] C:\Medwork\bin\vclx100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Extended Component Package [20390000] C:\Medwork\bin\dbrtl100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Database Component Package [20720000] C:\Medwork\bin\adortl100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear ADO DB Component Package [21150000] C:\Medwork\bin\borlndmm.dll 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Memory Manager [21320000] C:\Medwork\bin\vclactnband100.bpl 11.0.2902.10471 - 11.0.2902.10471 CodeGear Component Package [671F0000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll 5.8.9200.16521 - 5.8.9200.16521 Microsoft ® VBScript [67280000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll 5.8.9200.16720 - 5.8.9200.16521 Microsoft ® JScript [67330000] C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AhAScr.dll 9.0.2006.159 - 9.0.2006.159 avast! Script Blocking library for Windows Scripting Interface [67360000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msscript.ocx 1.0.7600.16385 - 1.0.7600.16385 Microsoft ® Script Control [67380000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\msadc\msadce.dll 6.1.7601.21820 - 6.1.7601.21820 (win7sp1_ldr.110915-1503) OLE DB Cursor Engine [67410000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\schannel.dll 6.1.7601.22352 - 6.1.7601.22352 (win7sp1_ldr.130609-1533) TLS / SSL Security Provider [67450000] C:\Windows\system32\cryptdll.dll 6.1.7601.22130 - 6.1.7601.22130 (win7sp1_ldr.121009-0415) Cryptography Manager [67470000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msv1_0.DLL 6.1.7601.21920 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 [674C0000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) OLE DB Provider for SQL Server [675B0000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjet40.dll 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Microsoft Jet Engine Library [6A0E0000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\msadc\msadcer.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) OLE DB Cursor Engine Resources [6A0F0000] C:\Windows\system32\DBNETLIB.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Winsock Oriented Net DLL for SQL Clients [6A130000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mswstr10.dll 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Библиотека сортировки Microsoft Jet [6A1D0000] C:\Windows\system32\comsvcs.dll 2001.12.8530.16385 - 2001.12.8530.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) COM+ Services [6A310000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\oledb32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) OLE DB Core Services [6A3F0000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll 6.1.7601.22100 - 6.1.7601.22100 (win7sp1_ldr.120827-0332) ActiveX Data Objects [6A770000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\MSDATL3.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) OLE DB Implementation Support Routines [6A790000] C:\Windows\system32\WindowsCodecs.dll 6.2.9200.16583 - 6.2.9200.16583 (win8_gdr.130412-1706) Microsoft Windows Codecs Library [6A920000] C:\Windows\system32\olepro32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 [6A940000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msadrh15.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) ActiveX Data Objects Rowset Helper [6A960000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjtes40.dll 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Microsoft Jet Expression Service [6A9B0000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSJINT40.DLL 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Локализованная библиотека ядра базы данных Microsoft Jet [6AAF0000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjter40.dll 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Microsoft Jet Database Engine Error DLL [6AB10000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msjetoledb40.dll 4.0.9756.0 - 4.00.9756.0 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Jet [6AB70000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\OLEDB32R.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Ресурсы основных служб OLE DB [6AB90000] C:\Windows\system32\EhStorShell.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека DLL расширения оболочки Windows Enhanced Storage [6ABD0000] C:\Windows\system32\MSDART.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) OLE DB Runtime Routines [6ABF0000] C:\Windows\system32\oledlg.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Поддержка интерфейса пользователя OLE [6BE50000] C:\Windows\syswow64\dbghelp.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Windows Image Helper [6C7A0000] C:\Windows\system32\ntshrui.dll 6.1.7601.17755 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Расширения оболочки, обеспечивающие доступ к ресурсам [6CCC0000] C:\Windows\system32\oleacc.dll - (win7sp1_gdr.110826-1504) Active Accessibility Core Component [6D350000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado\msader15.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) ActiveX Data Objects Resources [6F090000] C:\Windows\system32\slc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Software Licensing Client DLL [6F0A0000] C:\Windows\system32\ATL.DLL 3.5.2284.0 - 3.05.2284 ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) [6F200000] C:\Windows\system32\RICHED20.DLL - Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1 [6F280000] C:\Windows\system32\msimg32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) GDIEXT Client DLL [6F380000] C:\Windows\system32\cscapi.dll 6.1.7601.22288 - 6.1.7601.22288 (win7sp1_ldr.130328-2345) Offline Files Win32 API [6F400000] C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\Ole DB\SQLOLEDB.RLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Поставщик OLE DB для ресурсов SQL Server [6F460000] C:\Windows\system32\SXS.DLL 6.1.7601.17777 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Fusion 2.5 [6F530000] C:\Windows\system32\PROPSYS.dll 7.0.7601.17925 - 7.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Система страниц свойств (Microsoft) [6F630000] C:\Windows\system32\ntdsapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Active Directory Domain Services API [6F8D0000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\bcryptprimitives.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library [6F910000] C:\Windows\system32\ncrypt.dll 6.1.7601.22352 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Криптографическая библиотека (Windows) [6F950000] C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64) [70060000] C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2\Comctl32.dll 6.10.7601.17514 - 6.10 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека элементов управления взаимодействия с пользователем [70240000] C:\Windows\system32\credssp.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Credential Delegation Security Package [702A0000] C:\Windows\system32\security.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Security Support Provider Interface [702C0000] C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll 6.1.7601.22214 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) API пользовательского режима FWP/IPsec [70300000] C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Remote Access AutoDial Helper [70760000] C:\Windows\system32\wkscli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Workstation Service Client DLL [70770000] C:\Windows\system32\srvcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Server Service Client DLL [70790000] C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Net Win32 API Helpers DLL [707A0000] C:\Windows\system32\NETAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.17887 - 6.1.7601.17887 (win7sp1_gdr.120704-0720) Net Win32 API DLL [70F50000] C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека DLL помощника Winsock2 (TL/IPv6) [70F70000] C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека DLL помощника службы Winsock2 (TL/IPv4) [70F80000] C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) LDAP RnR Provider DLL [70F90000] C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll 6.1.7601.22011 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Динамическая библиотека API DNS-клиента [70FE0000] C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll 6.1.7601.18254 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Расширение поставщика службы API Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 [71020000] C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Поставщик пространства имен PNRP [71040000] C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Поставщик оболочки совместимости для имен электронной почты [71050000] C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll 6.1.7601.22137 - 6.1.7601.22137 (win7sp1_ldr.121018-0535) Network Location Awareness 2 [71080000] C:\Windows\system32\SHUNIMPL.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Windows Shell Obsolete APIs [71090000] C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcXtrnal.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Compatibility DLL [712F0000] C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Интерфейс API диспетчера окон рабочего стола (Майкрософт) [71310000] C:\Windows\system32\sfc_os.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows File Protection [71320000] C:\Windows\system32\sfc.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows File Protection [71330000] C:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Фильтр диспетчера аудиосжатия Microsoft [71350000] C:\Windows\system32\samcli.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Security Accounts Manager Client DLL [71360000] C:\Windows\system32\winmm.dll 6.1.7601.21718 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) MCI API DLL [713F0000] C:\Windows\system32\UxTheme.dll 6.1.7601.22010 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека тем UxTheme (Microsoft) [714A0000] C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcGenral.DLL 6.1.7601.18128 - 6.1.7601.18128 (win7sp1_gdr.130412-1534) Windows Compatibility DLL [716C0000] C:\Windows\system32\mpr.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека маршрутизации для нескольких служб доступа [716E0000] C:\Windows\system32\winspool.drv 6.1.7601.22130 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Драйвер диспетчера очереди Windows [71740000] C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) User Profile Basic API [71750000] C:\Windows\system32\USERENV.dll 6.1.7601.21793 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Userenv [71770000] C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcLayers.dll 6.1.7601.17974 - 6.1.7601.17974 (win7sp1_gdr.121015-1833) Windows Compatibility DLL [71800000] C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18201_none_ec80f00e8593ece5\comctl32.dll 5.82.7601.18201 - 5.82 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека общих элементов управления [71EC0000] C:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Remote RPC Extension [72460000] C:\Windows\system32\SECUR32.DLL 6.1.7601.22352 - 6.1.7601.22352 (win7sp1_ldr.130609-1533) Security Support Provider Interface [72470000] C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider [72520000] C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Cryptographic Service Provider API [72690000] C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Клиентская библиотека совместимости приложений [72810000] C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL 6.1.7601.17856 - 6.1.7601.17856 (win7sp1_gdr.120601-1505) Network Store Information RPC interface [72820000] C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL 6.1.7601.21728 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) IP Helper API [72C30000] C:\Windows\system32\version.dll 6.1.7601.17647 - 6.1.7601.17647 (win7sp1_gdr.110708-1503) Version Checking and File Installation Libraries [72C40000] C:\Windows\system32\wsock32.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL [73A70000] C:\Windows\system32\SortServer2003Compat.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Sort Version Server 2003 [751D0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPTBASE.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Base cryptographic API DLL [751E0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\SspiCli.dll 6.1.7601.22352 - 6.1.7601.22352 (win7sp1_ldr.130609-1533) Security Support Provider Interface [75240000] C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll 10.0.9200.16720 - 10.00.9200.16521 (win8_gdr_soc_ie.130216-2100) Расширения OLE32 для Win32 [753C0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll 7.0.7601.17744 - 7.0.7601.17744 (win7sp1_gdr.111215-1535) Windows NT CRT DLL [75470000] C:\Windows\syswow64\ADVAPI32.dll 6.1.7601.22436 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Расширенная библиотека API Windows 32 [75510000] C:\Windows\syswow64\CLBCatQ.DLL 2001.12.8531.21717 - 2001.12.8531.21717 (win7sp1_ldr.110428-1525) COM+ Configuration Catalog [755A0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\ole32.dll 6.1.7601.21982 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Microsoft OLE для Windows [75700000] C:\Windows\syswow64\WS2_32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 32-разрядная библиотека Windows Socket 2.0 [75740000] C:\Windows\syswow64\MSASN1.dll 6.1.7601.21624 - 6.1.7601.21624 (win7sp1_ldr.101217-1734) ASN.1 Runtime APIs [75750000] C:\Windows\syswow64\SHLWAPI.dll 6.1.7601.21855 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека небольших программ оболочки [75840000] C:\Windows\syswow64\RPCRT4.dll 6.1.7601.22380 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека удаленного вызова процедур [75930000] C:\Windows\syswow64\CFGMGR32.dll 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Configuration Manager DLL [75960000] C:\Windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll 6.1.7601.17676 - 6.1.7601.17676 [759F0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [75A00000] C:\Windows\syswow64\CRYPT32.dll 6.1.7601.22380 - 6.1.7601.22380 (win7sp1_ldr.130709-0109) API32 криптографии [75B20000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [75B30000] C:\Windows\syswow64\SETUPAPI.dll 6.1.7601.22321 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Windows Setup API [75CD0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\LPK.dll 6.1.7601.22350 - 6.1.7601.22350 (win7sp1_ldr.130605-1534) Language Pack [75CE0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [75CF0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll 6.1.7601.22436 - 6.1.7601.22178 (win7sp1_ldr.121130-1432) Библиотека клиента Windows NT BASE API [75E00000] C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL 6.1.7601.17514 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL [75E60000] C:\Windows\syswow64\comdlg32.dll 6.1.7601.22244 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Библиотека общих диалоговых окон [75EE0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll 6.1.7601.21874 - 6.1.7601.21874 (win7sp1_ldr.111206-1502) Многопользовательская библиотека клиента USER API Windows [75FE0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\NSI.dll 6.1.7601.17856 - 6.1.7601.17856 (win7sp1_gdr.120601-1505) NSI User-mode interface DLL [76020000] C:\Windows\syswow64\MSCTF.dll 6.1.7601.21935 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Серверная библиотека MSCTF [760F0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-ole32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [76100000] C:\Windows\syswow64\WININET.dll 10.0.9200.16720 - 10.00.9200.16521 (win8_gdr_soc_ie.130216-2100) Расширения Интернета для Win32 [76320000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [76330000] C:\Windows\syswow64\IMAGEHLP.DLL 6.1.7601.17787 - 6.1.7601.17787 (win7sp1_gdr.120229-1502) Windows NT Image Helper [76360000] C:\Windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll 6.2.9200.16492 - 6.2.9200.16492 (win8_gdr_oobssr.130113-0015) ApiSet Stub DLL [76370000] C:\Windows\syswow64\PSAPI.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Process Status Helper [76380000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sechost.dll 6.1.7601.17690 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs [763A0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\USP10.dll 1.626.7601.22322 - 1.0626.7601.22322 (win7sp1_ldr.130510-1534) Uniscribe Unicode script processor [76440000] C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.22436 - 6.1.7601.22178 (win7sp1_ldr.121130-1432) Библиотека клиента Windows NT BASE API [76490000] C:\Windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll 10.0.9200.16720 - 10.00.9200.16720 (win8_gdr.130920-1530) Run time utility for Internet Explorer [76690000] C:\Windows\syswow64\shell32.dll 6.1.7601.22403 - 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) Общая библиотека оболочки Windows [772E0000] C:\Windows\syswow64\GDI32.dll 6.1.7601.21820 - 6.1.7601.21820 (win7sp1_ldr.110915-1503) GDI Client DLL [77370000] C:\Windows\syswow64\DEVOBJ.dll 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Device Information Set DLL [77760000] C:\Windows\syswow64\normaliz.DLL 6.1.7600.16385 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Unicode Normalization DLL [77790000] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll 6.1.7601.22436 - 6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) Системная библиотека NT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Active Controls hierarchy: TVirtualDBGrid "FormTree" TPanel "Panel1" TPanel "InfoModule" TPatientWnd "PatientWnd" TPanel "Client" TMainForm "MainForm" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Medwork server: RESEPTION ( SolutionConnectionName: ТК и МК CurrentSolutionName: Medwork Base LicenseInfo: Лицензия: Медицинский центр Долголетие Ограничение по времени: нет Количество рабочих станций: 5 Статус: полнофункциональный режим Memory log: 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control IstochnikReklamy (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control PatId (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control DeptId (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control TselZvonka (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Specalist (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Kateg (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Category (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control PovodObrasheniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Primechanie (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Reklama (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control GroupBox3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control LastName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control FirstName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control SecondName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control CardNum (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Phone (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Panel2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Bevel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control SchedulePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label20 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control ObjectButton1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 Control ShowInSchedule (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:35:05 SpisokZvonkov - время загрузки данных (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label20 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label20 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 19.11.2013-19.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 19.11.2013-19.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=24 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 19.11.2013-19.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:19 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=31 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 10 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=56 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=88 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=94 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=56 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=88 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 12.11.2013-12.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:25 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=94 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 9 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=25 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=30 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 21.11.2013-21.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:36:38 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=30 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 22.11.2013-22.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 8 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 22.11.2013-22.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 22.11.2013-22.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:48 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 9 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=14 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:36:51 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 11 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=14 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=15 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:37:47 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=15 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:39:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:42:53 Cache: created form #4137. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:42:53 Control Date1 (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:42:53 Control Date2 (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:42:53 Control Grid (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:42:53 FiltrPoDateIPolzovatelyu - время загрузки данных (ms): 28 12.11.2013 16:42:55 MSExcelInsertData.DataToArrayMsOffice (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:42:55 MSExcelInsertData.ProcessSheet (ms): 60 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 10 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=15 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 23.11.2013-23.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:44:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=26 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=24 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=59 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=66 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=59 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:09 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=66 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control ListNet (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control PatCaption (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control CardnumHeaderNumSymbol (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control CardnumHeaderDotDelimiter (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control PatCaptionSex (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control PatCaptionAge (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control PatAtt (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control Diagnosis (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control Foto (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control Allergy (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:45:40 Control AdditionalDataRTF (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Profil - время загрузки данных (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 SchedGrid - время загрузки данных (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:41 TipovoyGlavniyEkranVracha - время загрузки данных (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Cache: created form #1935. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label1 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control BillLabel (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label20 (ms): 17 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control AttProgram (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control MainGrid (ms): 82 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Registrator (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Zapisan (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:41 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 113 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 14.11.2013-14.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 10 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=36 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 14.11.2013-14.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=57 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 14.11.2013-14.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:49 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=77 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=24 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=60 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:45:54 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=67 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Cache: created form #1935. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control BillLabel (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PriceType (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control MainGrid (ms): 48 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Registrator (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Zapisan (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DiagCode (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:06 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 76 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Cache: created form #1935. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control BillLabel (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PaymentType (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control MainGrid (ms): 49 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Registrator (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Zapisan (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Resource (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:46:43 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 78 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=Napravlenie (ms): 7 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename=SchedEvent (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=60 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Загрузка данных - 13.11.2013-13.11.2013 - Query.Open - Tablename= (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:49:41 SchedulingStorage: TAppointments. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=67 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Cache: created form #2512. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control GroupBox1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Data (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Vremya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Avtor (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control GroupBox2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control IstochnikReklamy (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control PatId (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control DeptId (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control TselZvonka (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Specalist (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Kateg (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Category (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control PovodObrasheniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Reklama (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control GroupBox3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control LastName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control FirstName (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control SecondName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control CardNum (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Phone (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Panel2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Bevel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control SchedulePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label20 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control ObjectButton1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 Control ShowInSchedule (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:51:34 SpisokZvonkov - время загрузки данных (ms): 10 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control ListNet (ms): 3 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PatCaption (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control CardnumHeaderNumSymbol (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control CardnumHeaderDotDelimiter (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PatCaptionSex (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PatCaptionAge (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PatAtt (ms): 8 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Diagnosis (ms): 7 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Foto (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Allergy (ms): 10 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control AdditionalDataRTF (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label5 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Profil - время загрузки данных (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:27 SchedGrid - время загрузки данных (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 TipovoyGlavniyEkranVracha - время загрузки данных (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Cache: created form #1935. Allocated 2/10 (2 controls). 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control BillLabel (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label20 (ms): 20 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control MainGrid (ms): 91 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Registrator (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Zapisan (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Resource (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:27 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 124 12.11.2013 16:52:35 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:35 PatientWnd.State: +psLoadingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Cache: created form #1935. Allocated 4/11 (4 controls). 12.11.2013 16:52:35 PatientWnd.State: -psLoadingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label1 (ms): 3 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control BillLabel (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PriceType (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control kabinet (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control MainGrid (ms): 86 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Primechanie (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Registrator (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Zapisan (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control ColorTemp (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 118 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns.PreloadDataForRange: 31.05.2013-18.07.2013 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 8 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=118 (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns.PreloadDataForRange: 31.05.2013-18.07.2013 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=183 (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TDaySchedules.LoadByPatterns Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 20 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TDaySchedules.LoadByPatterns Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=315 (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:52:35 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:35 PatientWnd.State: -psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:37 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label1 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control BillLabel (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Title (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control MainGrid (ms): 41 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Primechanie (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Registrator (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Zapisan (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Waiting (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 69 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns.PreloadDataForRange: 20.10.2013-07.12.2013 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 8 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TRecurrencePatterns. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=120 (ms): 5 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns.PreloadDataForRange: 20.10.2013-07.12.2013 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TCorrectionPatterns. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=160 (ms): 4 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Загрузка данных - Query.Open (ms): 6 12.11.2013 16:52:37 SchedulingStorage: TTimeIntervals. Обработка данных - (while not Query.Eof do). Count=1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 PatientWnd.State: -psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:37 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label1 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control BillLabel (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label20 (ms): 13 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control MainGrid (ms): 39 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Primechanie (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Registrator (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Zapisan (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:37 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 65 12.11.2013 16:52:37 PatientWnd.State: -psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:39 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label1 (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control BillLabel (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PriceType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control MainGrid (ms): 47 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Primechanie (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Registrator (ms): 2 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Zapisan (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:39 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 74 12.11.2013 16:52:40 PatientWnd.State: -psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:40 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label1 (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label12 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label11 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label7 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label6 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label14 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label2 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label9 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label3 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label4 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label10 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label17 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label8 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label16 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label15 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label5 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label19 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control BillLabel (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label20 (ms): 15 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DiagLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label21 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PersonName (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label25 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control WarningLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control WarnBiomatLabel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PaymentHint (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control LabelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PaySchemeWarningLbl (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label26 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control lblBillInfo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PriceTypePanel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label23 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PriceType (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control pnHidden (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Title (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PaymentType (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PaymentCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control AttProgram (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DurationTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control kabinet (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control AriadnaBiomatInvalidation (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Image1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control MainGrid (ms): 41 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control NapravlenieNomer (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control AddCall (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control AddCallInterval (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Primechanie (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Registrator (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DataNapravleniya (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control VremyaPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Duration (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control TipPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control MestoPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control TselVizita (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Zapisan (ms): 1 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Panel1 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label13 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Reserved (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PayScheme (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DataPriema (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Resource (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label18 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control ColorTemp (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Prishel (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DiagDictCombo (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DiagCode (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label22 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control edDestination (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label24 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Type (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Waiting (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control PanelColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control HighlightColor (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control btnPrintAppointmentService (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control DeptID (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control btnAddTalon (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label29 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Control Label27 (ms): 0 12.11.2013 16:52:40 Napravlenie - время загрузки данных (ms): 67 12.11.2013 16:52:40 PatientWnd.State: -psShowingForm 12.11.2013 16:52:42 SendAction(WindowClose) 12.11.2013 16:52:42 PatientWnd.State: +psShowingAbstract 12.11.2013 16:52:42 PatientWnd.State: +psLoadingForm Информация MW Строки соединения LOCAL: Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Medwork\bin\LOCALS\slnData_1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False GLOBAL: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=alex8108;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=MedworkData;Data Source=RESEPTION\SQLEXPRESS Информация о пользователе MW UserId = 492 UserName = Северина Н. И. UserGroupId = 8A4E7961991542DB9EE4B478C4EBF5DF UserGroupName = Администратор Текущий пациент MW PatId = 4583 Текущая форма карты пациента №53468 Ехе Изменен 21.10.2013 18:28:38. Размер 7827456 Версия: 3.1 Local Конфигурация: Medwork Base Версия конфигурации: 13.10.9 Последнее изменение 31.10.2013 12:29:08 Главный экран \Автоматизация\Формы\Главный экран врача Информация о системе OS Windows XP модификация Service Pack 3 сборка 2600 BIOS Дата: 09/19/13. HPQOEM - 1072009 BIOS Date: 09/19/13 12:35:27 Ver: 16.01 CPU Идентификатор Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7. Производитель GenuineIntel. процессор, совместимый с Pentium, модель 42 версия 7 Частота 3291,94157 МГц Память ОЗУ: всего 1023 М (1073741823 байт), свободно 1023 М (1073741823 байт), занято 49% Файл подкачки: всего 2047 М (2147483647 байт), свободно 1023 М (1073741823 байт) Адресное пространство: всего 2047 М (2147352576 байт), свободно 1715 М (1798537216 байт) Computer Name RESEPTION User Name 1 Список процессов C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\Version8\TeamViewer.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONENOTEM.EXE C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\ONENOTEM.EXE C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\jusched.exe C:\Medwork\bin\Medwork.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe C:\Medwork\bin\Medwork.exe